The Application of Information Value Model in Regional Geological Hazard Risk Assessment
中文关键词:  ArcGIS  信息量模型  危险性评价  指标体系  ROC曲线
英文关键词:ArcGIS  Information Value model  Risk assessment  index system  ROC curve
常亚婷 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局一○四地质大队贵州都匀558000 
刘征宇 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局一○四地质大队贵州都匀558000 
向刚 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局一○四地质大队贵州都匀558000 
付明宏 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局一○四地质大队贵州都匀558000 
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全文下载次数: 392
      and Development, Duyun 558000, Guizhou, China)In order to predict geological disasters inadvance, so as to take the corresponding preventive measures to reduce the loss of human property. Taking Fuquan City as an example the paper used ArcGIS combined with the Information Value model to evaluate the risk of geological disasters by analyzed the factors affected by geological disasters, and established a regional geological hazard risk evaluation index system by using factors such as topography conditions, stratography,geological structure, meteorological and hydrological and human. engineering activities. The evaluation results showed that the proportion of very high danger zone, high danger zone, medium danger zone and low danger ,they are 10.8%, 28.4%, 25.8% and 35.0%, respectively. In addiction, used the ROC curve to verify the accuracy of this evaluation, and and the results show that evaluation accuracy is 75.5%, and the evaluation results can provide reference and basis for the prevention and control of geological disasters in Fuquan city.
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