The Ore-controlling of Fault Controlled Ore Body in Bojitian Gold Ore Block1,Southwest Guizhou
中文关键词:  金矿  控矿构造  找矿方向  簸箕田1金矿  贵州
英文关键词:Gold deposit  Ore-controlling structure  Ore prospecting direction  Bojitian1 gold Ore block  Guizhou
杜王庆 贵州紫金矿业股份有限公司贵州贞丰562200 
祁连素 贵州省地矿局地球物理地球化学勘查院贵州贵阳550018 
林珊珊 贵州紫金矿业股份有限公司贵州贞丰562200 
摘要点击次数: 582
全文下载次数: 321
      簸箕田1金矿属水银洞超大型金矿床重要组成部分。经近两年坑内钻探实施,新发现了赋存于龙潭组三段深部隐伏断裂F780控制的断控型矿体,目前经生产勘探探明黄金资源/储量495 t,该类矿体厚度大,品位富,为目前矿区的主要矿体。本文以大量钻探及坑道资料为主要依据,对矿段控矿构造特征及其控矿作用进行了分析,尤其对新发现的断控型矿体的控矿构造特征及其控矿规律进行了系统研究,并提出了未来找矿方向和勘查建议。
      Bojitian 1 gold ore block is an important part of the Shuiyindong ultra-large gold deposit. After drilling in the pit in the past two years, a new fault controlled orebody controlled by F780 of the deep buried fault in the third member of Longtan formation has been discovered, 4.95 t gold resources/reserves have been proved by production exploration at present, the orebody is thick and high grade, it is the main orebody of the mining area at present. In this paper, based on a large number of drilling and tunnel data, it analyzes the ore-controlling structural characteristics and their ore-controlling functions of ore block, especially the ore-controlling structural characteristics and ore-controlling rules of the newly discovered fault controlled orebodies, and puts forward the ore-seeking direction and exploration suggestions in the future.
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