刘永坤,余文超,刘金海,何天元,刘志臣.贵州省遵义市苟江铝土矿床野外考察指南[J].贵州地质,2024,(4):500-508 |
贵州省遵义市苟江铝土矿床野外考察指南 |
Field Investigation Guide of Goujiang Bauxite Deposit in Zunyi City,Guizhou Province |
投稿时间:2024-09-25 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 考察路线 铝土矿 苟江 遵义 |
英文关键词:Survey route Bauxite Goujiang Zunyi |
基金项目:贵州省地质勘查基金项目“贵州省重要矿产资源矿集区区划研究-遵义铝土矿矿集区区划研究”(2024-49-06)、贵州省地矿局地质科研项目“遵义式铝土矿中关键金属元素富集规律研究”(黔地矿科合[2021]5号)项目资助。 |
摘要点击次数: 23 |
全文下载次数: 11 |
中文摘要: |
遵义苟江铝土矿是遵义地区最早发现的铝土矿,是遵义式铝土矿的典型矿床。贵州省地矿局102地质大队先后通过普查、详查、勘探工作和综合研究,逐渐发现遵义铝土矿赋存于寒武系中上统娄山关组之上的石炭系下统九架炉组地层中,矿体受古喀斯特岩溶地貌控制特征明显,具有一层或多层矿体,矿体呈透镜状、似层状产出。苟江铝土矿床古喀斯特岩溶特征、地层界线、矿体特征、矿石特征等地质现象清晰,具有典型性和代表性。贵州省遵义苟江铝土矿被选为中国地质学会第十七届矿床会议野外考察路线之一。 |
英文摘要: |
The Goujiang bauxite in Zunyi is the earliest bauxite found in Zunyi area, which is a typical deposit of Zunyi type bauxite. Through the survey, detailed investigation, exploration and comprehensive research, the 102 Geological Brigade of Guizhou Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources gradually found that the bauxite in Zunyi exists in the stratum of the Lower Carboniferous Jiujialu Formation above the Middle Upper Cambrian Loushanguan Formation. The ore body is obviously controlled by paleo-karst geomorphology, and has one or more layers of ore bodies, which are lens-like and stratiform. The geological phenomena of Goujiang Bauxite deposit, such as paleo-karst characteristics, stratigraphic boundary, orebody characteristics and ore characteristics, are clear and typical. The Goujiang bauxite deposit in Zunyi, Guizhou Province was selected as one of the field investigation routes of the 17th Mineral Deposit Conference of the Geological Society of China. |
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