吴文明,王泽鹏,邵云彬,邰文星.贵州省开阳县极乐富磷矿床野外考察指南[J].贵州地质,2024,(4):483-491, 473
Field Investigation Guide of Jile Phosphate-rich Deposit in Kaiyang County, Guizhou Province
中文关键词:  开阳  富磷矿  考察路线
英文关键词:Kaiyang rich phosphate mine investigation route
吴文明 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局105地质大队贵州贵阳550018
王泽鹏 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局105地质大队贵州贵阳550018
邵云彬 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局105地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
邰文星 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局105地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
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      极乐富磷矿床(开阳磷矿极乐矿段)位于开阳富磷矿床中心部位。其磷矿层赋存于震旦系洋水组(与陡山沱组同时异相)。该区域在震旦纪陡山沱期位于扬子陆块陆架边缘,并处于黔中古陆北缘的无障壁滨岸浅滩环境。其区内分布的2个含矿岩系剖面出露完整,与上下地层接触面清晰,发育的条纹状磷块岩、条带状磷块岩、碎屑状磷块岩和叠层状磷块岩等是开阳富磷矿床具代表性的矿石类型。区内磷块岩呈连续层状产出,厚度092755 m,平均厚度436 m,P2O5含量介于3042%3715%之间,平均3486%。因此,贵州省开阳县极乐富磷矿床被选为中国地质学会第十七届矿床会议野外考察路线之一。
      The Jile phosphate-rich deposit is located in the central part of Kaiyang phosphate-rich deposit. The phosphorite deposits occur in the Sinian Yangshui Formation (simultaneously out of phase with Doushantuo Formation). This area was located on the shelf edge of the Yangtze Platform in the Doushantuo Stage of Sinian Period, and was in the barrier-free shoal environment on the northern margin of the central Guizhou landmass. The profiles of two ore-bearing rock series distributed in the area are complete, and the contact surfaces with the upper and lower strata are clear. The developed banded phosphorite, banded phosphorite, clastic phosphorite and laminated phosphorite are the most representative ore types in Kaiyang phosphate rich deposit. The phosphorites in the area are produced in continuous layers, with a thickness of 0.92.55 m and an average thickness of 4.36 m. The P2O5 content ranges from 30.42% to 37.15%, with an average of 34.86%. Therefore, the Jile phosphate-rich deposit was selected as one of the field investigation routes of the 17th Geological Society of China Mineral Deposit Conference.
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