Geochemical Characteristics of Trace Elements and C-H-O Isotopes of Calcite in Baidi Gold Deposit of Ceheng
中文关键词:  方解石  微量元素  C-H-O同位素  地球化学特征  百地金矿床
英文关键词:Calcite  Trace elements  C-H-O isotope  Geochemical characteristics  Baidi gold deposit
吴波 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
吴治君 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
赵明峰 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
周克林 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550018
彭慈刚 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
潘有良 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
斯恩智 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
陆建宝 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550018 
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      In order to explore the source and evolution of ore-forming fluids and deepen the understanding of the mineralization of Carlin-type gold deposits in southwest Guizhou, calcite, one of the main gangue minerals in the Baidi gold deposit, was collected. This calcite was formed in the late stage of hydrothermal mineralization. Subsequently, trace (rare earth) elements and C, H, and O isotope geochemical studies were carried out. The study shows that calcite contains high concentrations of Sb, As, Sr, and Bi, as well as moderate to high-temperature elements such as W, Ni, Mo, Cu, and Pb while being depleted in rare elements such as Li, Rb, Cs, Nb, Ta, Zr, and Hf. This indicates that the ore-forming fluids are rich in elements such as Sb and As, with W originating from deep magma. The rare earth element (REE) content is relatively low (9.038×10-6 to 108.922×10-6), with ΣLREE/ΣHREE ratios ranging from 0.16 to 0.34, and δEu values from 0.88 to 1.67. The calcite exhibits characteristics such as LREE depletion and significant MREE enrichment, a positive Eu anomaly, and an upward convex distribution pattern. The δ13CPDB values of calcite range from -4.219‰ to 0.863‰, the δ18OSMOW values range from 12.8‰ to 22.8‰, the δ18OH2O values range from 11.8‰ to 21.8‰, and the δDSMOW values range from -122‰ to -77‰. These findings suggest that the ore-forming fluids are moderately reducing and weakly acidic, with characteristics of crustal fluids, indicating a mixture of magmatic water,formation water and metamorphic water.
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