Mudstone of the Late Permian Longtan Formation, East Jinsha, Guizhou
中文关键词:  金沙县东部  晚二叠世  龙潭组    地球化学元素
英文关键词:East of Jinsha county  Late Permian Epoch  Longtan formation  Gallium  Geochemical elements
龙宇 贵州煤矿地质工程咨询与地质环境监测中心贵州贵阳550006 
徐建 贵州煤矿地质工程咨询与地质环境监测中心贵州贵阳550006 
明方平 贵州煤矿地质工程咨询与地质环境监测中心贵州贵阳550006 
罗沙 贵州煤矿地质工程咨询与地质环境监测中心贵州贵阳550006 
方生红 贵州煤矿地质工程咨询与地质环境监测中心贵州贵阳550006 
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      The research area was located in the east of Jinsha County, Guizhou Province. The borehole core samples of Late Permian Longtan Formation bottom aluminaceous mudstone were systematically collected from coal mining areas within the research area. The mineral composition of claystone was determined by X-ray diffraction, which was mainly clay minerals, followed by potassium feldspar and pyrite. The geochemical elements in the sample ware enriched in TiO2, Fe2O3, Al2O3, Ni, Th, U and V, while CaO, MgO, MnO, Na2O, K2O, Sr, Rb, Co and Ba are relatively deficient. The normalized distribution curve of rare earth elements is significantly to the right, and (La/Yb)N was 12.4419.36, showing obvious enrichment characteristics of light rare earth, δEu was 0.580.68, δCe is 0.720.87, showing negative anomalies of Eu and Ce. The aluminaceous clay rocks at the bottom of Longtan Formation ware inherited from Emei Mountain basalt, and their materials come from basalt. The high clay mineral content, high compositional maturity and low Mg/Ca ratio in the clay rock samples reflect the warm and humid paleoclimate conditions in the study area. The high Sr/Ba value indicates the saltwater environment, and the oxidation environment exposed by uplift causes most of the chemically active alkali metal elements to be eluviated. However, Ga elements with relatively stable chemical properties remain in situ or migrate to near-source low-lying areas.
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