Premary Sudy of The Metallogenic Controlling Factors and Prospecting Criteria of Dagang Fluorite Deposit in Tongzi, Guizhou Province
中文关键词:  大岗萤石矿床  控矿因素  找矿标志  桐梓  贵州省
英文关键词:Dagang fluorite deposit  Ore-controlling factors  Prospecting indicators  Tongzi  Guizh-ou province
吴波 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
王波 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
强希润 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
朱华利 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
张朝修 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
陈启飞 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
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      The Dagang fluorite deposit is located at the junction of the Bijie arc fold belt in northern Guizhou area of upper Yangtze block, Yangtze landmass and the north-south trough-type fold deformation area in Fenggang county, it belongs to the northern part of the yaolongshan-pudu fluorite metallogenic belt. The fluorite deposit is mainly controlled by NW and NE structures. The fluorite orebody occurs mainly in the depleted space of anticline core, and the strike of the orebody is 330 °350 ° or 35 °40 ° . The host strata of the fluorite deposit are the first and third members of loushanguan formation and Tongzi County Formation. The ore bodies are bedded and veined in interbedded fissures or steep dip fissures of dolomite. The color of the fluorite deposit is light purple, purple and white, the content of CaF2 in ore is about 30%50% . Wall rock alteration mainly includes fluorite mineralization, dolomite mineralization, calcite mineralization, silicification, limonite mineralization and so on. The analysis shows that the fluorite deposit in this area is controlled by both strata and structures, and the prospecting criteria, such as strata, structure, geophysics, geochemistry, wall rock alteration, pit trace and turnover stone, are put forward.
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