Discovery of Devonian Bryozoan and Corals in Shidian of Baoshan,Yunnan and Its Palaeoenvironmental Significance
中文关键词:  苔藓虫  泥盆纪  何元寨组  四射珊瑚
英文关键词:Bryozoan  Devonian  Heyuanzhai formation  Rugose corals
王一舟 云南大学地球科学学院云南650500 
戴静 云南大学地球科学学院云南650500 
徐涵 云南大学地球科学学院云南650500 
李正秀 云南大学地球科学学院云南650500 
李建佳 云南大学地球科学学院云南650500 
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      本文对滇西保山施甸地区中泥盆世早期艾菲尔期的苔藓虫及其共生的四射珊瑚进行描述和分类。运用切片和磨片技术,在体式显微镜下观察化石不同切面的构造特征,结合化石外部形态和内部构造对化石进行鉴定。描述苔藓虫化石2属2种,分别为Atactotoechus typicus、Rhabdomeson sp;珊瑚化石3属4种,分别为Orthophyllum bifidum、Macgeea solitaria、Macgeea sp、Heliophyllum halli。根据以上苔藓虫和珊瑚化石的生活环境,推测施甸泥盆纪为正常浅海环境,海平面长期稳定上升、海水温暖且长期稳定、水质清洁、水体扰动弱。
      In this paper, the fossils of bryozoan and rugose corals from the Middle Devonian Heyuanzhai Formation of Shidian, Baoshan City of western Yunnan were described and classified. The microstructure of cross and vertical sections were investigated based on fossil slices. Combined with external morphology and microstructure, the fossil specimen were designated as 2 species belong to 2 genera of bryozoan, which were Atactotoechus typicus, Rhabdomeson sp4 species belong to 3 genera of rugose corals, which were Orthophyllum bifidum, Macgeea solitaria, Macgeea sp. and Heliophyllum halli. According to this symbiotic association, the palaeoenvironment in Shidian, Yunnan was concluded. It was inferred a normal shallow sea existed during the Middle Devonian in Shidian area, sea level rising steadily for a long time. The sea water was warm and clean, with weakly water disturbance.
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