张德明,卢定彪,吴开彬,彭成龙,龚桂源,王文明,徐安全.上扬子六盘水地区跨轴褶皱叠加及其动力分析[J].贵州地质,2024,(4):363-370, 482 |
上扬子六盘水地区跨轴褶皱叠加及其动力分析 |
Analysis on Cross-axis Fold Superposition and Dynamic of in Liupanshui Area of Upper Yangtze Block |
投稿时间:2024-01-03 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 跨轴褶皱叠加 各方向褶皱组合 特提斯构造域 滨太平洋构造域 上扬子六盘水地区 |
英文关键词:Cross-axis fold superposition Fold association in all directions Tethyan tectonic domain Coastal Pacific tectonic domain Liupanshui area of Upper Yangtze block |
基金项目:贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局地质科研项目《右江盆地北缘T/P界面附近滑脱构造变形及其对金矿的控制作用-以贵州册亨地区为例》(编号:黔地矿科合〔2020〕27号);中国地质调查局项目《贵州乌蒙山区1∶5万普立、玉舍、阿嘎、鸡场、杨梅、猴场6幅区域地质矿产调查》(编号:12120113052200) |
摘要点击次数: 21 |
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中文摘要: |
上扬子六盘水地区地处中新生代滨太平洋构造域与特提斯构造域共同作用部位,在两个方向不同期次构造应力的作用下,原有岩层普遍发生构造变形,形成了复杂的、不同方向相互交织的褶皱组合。为了正确解析区域内复杂的各方向构造形迹、重塑合理的构造演化史,本文根据区域地质调查所获资料,对区内各方向褶皱组合的几何特征、组合特征、卷入地层等进行研究。结合区域构造动力背景,探讨了区内各方向褶皱组合的成因背景、序次和相互间的叠加改造关系,得出:区内存在北东向线性褶皱、北西向线性褶皱及无特定轴向褶皱三种褶皱组合。北东向线性褶皱组合是滨太平洋构造域库拉-太平洋板块与华南板块之间的相互作用产物,很可能是燕山期长乐-南澳构造带北西侧前陆的褶皱组合;北西向线性褶皱组合是特提斯构造域冈底斯中间板块与印度板块之间相互作用产物,是三江复合造山带北东侧前陆褶皱组合;无特定轴向褶皱组合是北西向线性褶皱跨轴叠加改造北东向线性褶皱而成;区内存在普遍的跨轴褶皱叠加现象。为合理解析区内复杂的构造变形、重塑正确的构造演化史提供了新的思路,为“跨轴褶皱叠加”模式研究提供了一个不可多得的研究基地。 |
英文摘要: |
The Liupanshui area of the Upper Yangtze block is located in the joint action of Coastal Pacific tectonic and Tethys tectonic domain in the Meso-Cenozoic. Under the action of different tectonic stress in two directions, the original rock strata underwent extremely complex structural deformation. In order to correctly a-nalyze the complex structural traces in various directions in the region and reshape a reasonable structural evolution history, this paper studies the geometric characteristics, combination characteristics, and involvement of the fold combination in various directions in the region based on the data obtained from the regional geological survey. Combined with the dynamic background of regional tectonics, the genetic background, sequence, and mutual superimposition and transformation relationships of fold combinations in various directions in the region are discussed. It is concluded that there are three groups in the area: northeast linear folds, northwest linear folds and no specific axial folds. The north-east trending linear fold combination is the product of the interaction between the Kura-Pacific plate and the South China plate in the coastal Pacific tectonic domain. It is probably a fold combination of the foreland on the northwest side of the Changle-Nan’ao tectonic belt in the Yanshan period. The northwest linear fold is the product of the interaction between the Gangdese middle plate of the Tethyan tectonic domain and the Indian plate, which is the foreland fold combination on the northeast side of the Sanjiang composite orogenic belt. The combination of non-specific axial folds is formed by cross-axis superposition of north-west linear folds to transform north-east linear folds.There is a widespread phenomenon of cross-axis fold stacking in this area. This article provides new ideas for rationally analyzing the complex structural deformation in the region and reshaping the correct structural evolution history. It provides a rare research base for the study of the ‘cross-axis fold stacking’ model. |
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