Characteristics of the Major Geological Tourism Resources in Guilin City
中文关键词:  地质旅游资源  调查  特征  桂林市
英文关键词:Geological tourism resource  Investigation  Characteristics  Guilin city
索丽珍 广西壮族自治区地质矿产勘查开发局桂林鲁山基地管理处广西桂林541100 
覃斌贤 桂林旅游学院广西桂林541006
田梦瑶 桂林旅游学院广西桂林541006 
李欢 南宁理工学院广西南宁530100 
摘要点击次数: 755
全文下载次数: 996
      The Geological tourism resource is one of the most important tourism resources in GuilinIn this paper,base on the detailed field investigation and the national standard ‘Classification,Investigation and Evaluation of Tourism Resources’ (GB/T18972-2017),40 major geological tourism resources monomers are investigated in Guilin city and the surrounding areas,where the geological tourism resources are divided into two main categories and four sub-categoriesThere are nine types of geo- tourism resources can be recognized in Guilin city,they are: the faulted landscape,the stratigraphic section,the paleontological fossils,the hill,the isolated peak,the rock cave,the fancy and shapely rock,the sightseeing and recreation river and lack areasThe results show that the major geo-tourism resources in Guilin city are large quantity,diverse,relatively high quality,widely but relatively concentrate distribution,and possess high aesthetic and scientific value and huge exploring potentialBy the analysis of the geological tourism resources development status,it will increase the scientific connotation of the geo-tourism resources in Guilin city by deeply tapping potential geological tourism resources;on the other hand,it can promote the coordinated development of geological tourism economy and ecological benefits by the reasonable planning and protection
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