Zoning Research and Evaluation of Ecosystem Service Function Combined with Specific Model and GIS——A Case Study of Suiyang,Zheng ’an and Daozhen Area in the Furong River Basin of Northern Guizhou
中文关键词:  水量平衡方程  RUSLE模型  NPP模型  生态系统服务功能评价  生态功能分区
英文关键词:Water balance equation  RUSLE model  NPP model  Function evaluation of ecosystem services  Ecological function zoning
龚芯磊 1.贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队贵州遵义563000
陈鸿申 1.贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队贵州遵义563000
胡世敏 1.贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队贵州遵义563000
李正荣 1.贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队贵州遵义563000
聂坤 1.贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队贵州遵义563000
梁龙 1.贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局106地质大队贵州遵义563000
摘要点击次数: 793
全文下载次数: 821
      黔北芙蓉江流域绥(阳)正(安)道(真)地区是以“三区四带”为核心的全国重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程总体布局中长江重点生态区的重要组成部分,是长江上游重要的生态安全屏障,对其开展生态系统服务功能评价及生态功能区划是区域生态系统全要素一体化保护和系统治理的重要基础。本研究基于水量平衡方程模型、RUSLE模型及NPP模型并与GIS结合,建立了区域生态系统服务功能评价与分区体系,在识别现有状态的基础上规划未来,使其各区域能更好的承担相应生态系统服务功能。研究结果显示:研究区生态系统服务功能重要性中等以上的面积为5 16611 km2,占区域总面积的7085%。研究区生态系统服务功能重要性整体较高,主要分布在道真县西部、北部和中部,正安县中部及绥阳县北部等区域。在指标提取与遥感解译的基础上依据生态调节功能、产品提供功能及人居保障功能对区域生态功能进行分区。针对各类生态功能区的主要生态问题,提出了生态保护方向与限制、禁止措施,并划分出6个重要生态功能区作为区域保护修复的重点区,为区域山水林田湖草沙一体化保护和系统治理等生态保护修复工程提供重点靶区与实施路径参考。
      Suiyang,Zheng ’an and Daozhen area in the Furong river basin in northern Guizhou are important components of the Yangtze River key ecological area in the overall layout of the major national ecological system protection and restoration project with “three districts and four belts” as the core,and are important ecological security barrier in the upper reaches of the Yangtze RiverEcosystem service function evaluation and ecological function regionalization are important bases for integrated protection and system governance of regional ecosystemBased on the water balance equation model,RUSLE model and NPP model,combined with GIS,this study established a regional ecosystem service function evaluation and zoning system,and planned the future on the basis of identifying the existing state,so that each region can better undertake the corresponding ecosystem service functionThe results showed that the area of ecosystem service function above medium importance in the study area was 5 16611 km2,accounting for 7085% of the total areaThe importance of ecosystem services in the study area was relatively high,and they were mainly distributed in the west,north and middle of Daozhen county,the middle of Zheng ’an county and the north of Suiyang countyOn the basis of index extraction and remote sensing interpretation,regional ecological functions were divided according to ecological regulation function,product supply function and human settlement guarantee functionIn view of the main ecological problems of various ecological functional areas,the direction of ecological protection and restrictions and prohibition measures were proposed,and six important ecological functional areas were divided into key areas for regional protection and restoration,providing key target areas and implementation paths for ecological protection and restoration projects such as integrated protection and systematic management of regional mountains,rivers,forests,farmlands,lakes and grasslands
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