王彤标,赵九利,徐维骏,蔡龙春,王毓伦,高明专,王刘文.基于沉积相的贵州煤矿水患分区与防治[J].贵州地质,2024,(3):318-327, 277 |
基于沉积相的贵州煤矿水患分区与防治 |
Zoning and Prevention of Coal Mine Flooding in Guizhou Based on Sedimentary Facies |
投稿时间:2023-09-28 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 沉积相 煤矿 水患 分区 |
英文关键词:Sedimentary facies Coal mine Flooding Zoning |
基金项目:贵州省煤矿安全高效开采技术支撑与服务人才基地基金资助(GKY-RD2022KJ-012) |
摘要点击次数: 664 |
全文下载次数: 946 |
中文摘要: |
为了对贵州煤矿的防治水工作做出宏观指导,通过对贵州煤系地层及下伏、上覆岩层的沉积相及其富水性的分析,获知贵州煤系地层及相邻岩层的富水性因受沉积相控制而具有明显的分带性,从而首次根据沉积相将贵州煤矿水患分区划分为西部、中西部、东部三个区域;针对老窑(空)水、大气降水及地表水、顶板(离层)水、底板水等贵州煤矿主要水害事故隐患,分区提出了煤矿水患防治重点。该研究成果可以帮助煤矿管理者从宏观层面了解自身煤矿的主要水患类型、防治水工作方向,具有重要的现实意义。 |
英文摘要: |
In order to make macroscopic guidance for flooding prevention and control work in Guizhou coal mines,through the analysis of sedimentary facies and water-rich property of coal measures strata and underlying and overlying strata in Guizhou,it is known that the water-rich property of coal measures strata and adjacent strata in Guizhou is obviously zonated because of the control of sedimentary facies,according to the sedimentary facies,the area of flooding in Guizhou coal mine is divided into three parts: the west,the middle and the west,and the eastIn view of the main hidden danger of water disaster in Guizhou coal mines,such as old kiln (empty) water,atmospheric precipitation,surface water,roof (separated layer) water,floor water,etc,the key points of flooding prevention and control in coal mine are put forward by zoningThe research results can help the coal mine managers to understand the main types of mine flooding from the macro-level,flooding prevention and control work direction,has important practical significance |
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