Discussion on the Ore-controlling Factors and Prospecting Direction of Fluorite Deposit of Huangjiawan Area in Zhenfeng,Guizhou Province
中文关键词:  贞丰背斜  次级背斜  萤石矿床  控矿因素  黔西南
英文关键词:Zhenfeng anticline  Secondary anticline  Fluorite deposit  Ore-controlling factors  Southwe-stern Guizhou
尹廷龙 贵州省地矿局地球物理地球化学勘查院贵州贵阳550018 
侬康 贵州省地矿局地球物理地球化学勘查院贵州贵阳550018 
徐阳东 贵州省地矿局地球物理地球化学勘查院贵州贵阳550018 
李字洪 贵州省地矿局地球物理地球化学勘查院贵州贵阳550018 
郑前飞 贵州省地矿局地球物理地球化学勘查院贵州贵阳550018 
祁连素 贵州省地矿局地球物理地球化学勘查院贵州贵阳550018 
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      以贞丰背斜黄家湾萤石矿床近年深部勘探资料为主要依据,通过对其控矿构造类型及其控矿作用的分析,对萤石矿导矿构造与容矿空间规律的研究,认为控矿因素主要为北西向贞丰背斜、北西向F1断层、次级背斜、有利的岩性组合,形成了背斜构造之逆冲断裂-次级背斜构造组合样式,即北西向贞丰背斜及其伴生的北西向F1断裂与次级的黄家湾背斜共同构成热液上涌通道及容矿空间。贞丰背斜是矿区内最主要控矿构造,其形成发育了主要控矿断裂(F1 等)及次级控矿背斜(黄家湾背斜);逆冲断裂 F1 是最重要的导矿构造;龙潭组一段(P3l)/中上部蚀变角砾岩体为重要的容矿空间, 控制矿床的背斜构造中之逆冲断裂-次级背斜构造组合,以及龙潭组一段(P3l)/中上部的容矿空间,是将来萤石矿勘查的主攻目标。深入研究构造(背斜+断裂)、地层岩性组合等控矿因素有利于拓展区域找矿思路,为深部萤石、金、锑热液矿产找矿勘探提供参考。
      Mineral Resources Development,Guiyang 550018,Guizhou,China)Based on the deep exploration data of the Huangjiawan fluorite deposit in the Zhenfeng anticline in recent years,through the analysis of the types of ore-controlling structures and their ore-controlling functions,the study on the ore-conducting structures and host space law of the fluorite deposit is carried out,it is considered that the main ore-controlling factors are NW Zhenfeng anticline,NW F1 fault,secondary anticline and favorable lithologic assemblage,forming the thrust-secondary anticline structural assemblage style of anticline structures,the NW Zhenfeng anticline and its associated NW F1 fault together with the secondary Huangjiawan anticline form a hydrothermal upwelling channel and ore-hosting spaceThe Zhenfeng anticline is the most important ore-controlling structure in the mining area,which is formed by the main ore-controlling faults (F1 et al) and the secondary ore-controlling anticline (Huangjiawan anticline) ,and the thrust fault F1 is the most important ore-guiding structure The altered breccia in the first member (P3l) middle-upper part of the Longtan Formation is an important ore-hosting space,which controls the thrust fault-secondary anticline structure assemblage in the anticlinal structure of the deposit,and the ore-hosting space in the first member (P3l) middle-upper part of the Tarim Formation,it will be the main target of fluorite exploration in the futureFurther study on ore-controlling factors such as structure (anticline + fault) and stratigraphic-lithologic association is beneficial to expanding regional prospecting ideas and providing references for prospecting of deep fluorite,gold and antimony hydrothermal deposits
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