Shale Gas Reservoir Characteristics of the Wufeng-Xintan Formation in Well Banzhu-1 in Northern Guizhou
中文关键词:  页岩气  黑色页岩  五峰组-新滩组  储层特征  控制因素  黔北
英文关键词:Shale Gas  Wufeng-Xintan formation  Reservoir characteristics  Control factor  North-ern Guizhou
安亚运 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
杨忠琴 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
陈厚国 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
贺永忠 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
摘要点击次数: 740
全文下载次数: 971
      The Wufeng formation of Late Ordovician to the Xintan formation of Early Silurian black shale is an important shale gas exploration and development horizon in northern GuizhouIn order to further explore the pore control factors and the reservoir characteristics,for the Banzhu well 1 in northern Guizhou,the sedimentary sequence,organic geochemistry and reservoir physical properties were studiedThe results show that the main pore types of the reservoir are organic pores,intra-granular pores,the results showed: the pore types of the Wufeng formation are mainly organic matter pores,with good pore connectivity and large adsorption capacity;The pore types of the Longmaxi formation are mainly organic matter pores and intergranular pores,with good pore connectivity,but low total porosity and small adsorption capacity;The pore types of the Xintan formation are mainly intragranular pores,intergranular pores and micro-cracks,and the pore connectivity is relatively poor,and the adsorption capacity is small。There is a good correlation between organic carbon and porosity,which can provide support for shale gas exploration and downhole lateral prediction in the complex structural area of northern Guizhou
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