曾祥颖,莫思.贵州凤冈南北向隔槽式褶皱变形区滑坡孕灾地质条件研究[J].贵州地质,2024,(2):173-177, 184
Study on the Geological Conditions of Landslide Disaster in the North-south Trough-type Fold Deformation Zone in Fenggang County,Guizhou
中文关键词:  地质构造  滑坡  孕灾地质条件
英文关键词:Geological structure  Landslide  Geological hazard inducing condition
曾祥颖 贵州省地矿局106地质大队贵州遵义563099
莫思 贵州省地矿局106地质大队贵州遵义563099 
摘要点击次数: 304
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      贵州凤冈南北向隔槽式褶皱变形区独特的地质构造形成了典型的侏罗山式褶皱组合区,其与滑坡的孕育具有较强的关联性。本研究基于实地调查与数据分析,通过地质构造、地形地貌、地层岩性及河流分布等因素与滑坡发育的关系,探讨研究区滑坡孕灾地质条件。结果表明,研究区滑坡主要发育于构造相互截接严重的区域;在地形上主要发育于高差100300 m、坡度25°35°的顺向坡和斜向坡,地貌类型以侵蚀—溶蚀沟谷地貌为主;滑坡孕育地层具有倾向性,主要为志留系兰多维列统韩家店组(S1h)的泥岩、页岩及奥陶系中下统湄潭组(O1-2m)的页岩、砂质页岩;研究区河流对斜坡的影响范围平均为900 m,影响区内距河流越远,滑坡发育数量越少。
      The unique geological structure of the Fenggang north-south trough-fold deformation zone has formed a typical Jurassic mountain fold combination area,which is closely related to landslide developmentIn this study,based on field investigations and data analysis,the geological conditions for landslide susceptibility in the study area were explored by examining the relationship between factors such as geological structures,landforms,lithology,and river distributionThe results indicate that landslides in the study area mainly develop in regions with severe intersecting geologic structuresThey are predominantly found on longitudinal and oblique slopes with a height difference of 100300 m and a gradient of 25°35°,while the dominant landform type is eroded-karst valley terrainThe lithology of the landslide-prone strata shows a tendency,mainly consisting of mudstone and shale from the Silurian Liandovery Hanjiadian formation,shale and sandy shale from the Lower-Middle Ordovician Meitan formationThe average influence range of rivers on landslides in the study area is 900 m,with a decreasing number of landslides farther away from the rivers
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