Sedimentary System Division and Paleogeographic Evolution of the Early Silurian Shiniulan Formation,Northern Guizhou
中文关键词:  黔北地区  志留系  石牛栏组  沉积体系  岩相古地理
英文关键词:Northern Guizhou  Silurian  Shiniulan formation  Sedimentary system  Lithofacies paleogeography
安亚运 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
盘应娟 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
杨忠琴 贵州省地质调查院贵州贵阳550081 
摘要点击次数: 376
全文下载次数: 686
      The Lower Silurian Shiniulan formation in northern Guizhou is well developed,but the research of this area is weak,in order to further explore the paleogeography and evolution of the lithofacies of this formation,through profile measurement and lithofacies analysis,combined with the comprehensive study of regional geological data,it is shown that the marine sediments and hyperfacies sediments are developed in this formation,including tidal flats,carbonate terraces,shelfies and delta facies types,upward flat,confined platform,open platform,platform marginal reef(beach),argillaceous shelf and mixed shelf,delta front subfacies type,microfacies types of bioreefs,bioshoals,granular shoals,sand bars,and biomounds,marine sedimentation developed south of Daozhen,to the north develops delta front,vertically divided into 4 segments and 2 cycles,the first and third members are composed of calcareous argillaceous rock,marl,and siltstone,the second and fourth members are composed of bioclastic limestone and algal sand-detrisulous limestone,the first and second stages form the first cycle,the third and fourth segments form the second cycle,under the action of paleocontinental uplift and basin extension,an orderly transverse-retreat stratigraphic sequence was recorded
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