Sensitivity Analysis of Soil Bacterial Community in the Tea Garden of Zheng’an County,Guizhou Province
中文关键词:  土壤  茶树  微生物
英文关键词:Soil  Tea plants  Microorganism
基金项目:贵州省地矿局科研基金,贵州正安地区白茶中硒的迁移富集过程与种植区优化研究( 黔地矿科合〔2020〕10号)。
梁霞 贵州省地矿局106地质大队贵州遵义563000 
李泽轩 中国地质大学武汉环境学院湖北武汉430074 
付盈盈 贵州省地矿局106地质大队贵州遵义563000 
杨康 中国地质大学武汉环境学院湖北武汉430074 
樊爽 贵州省地矿局106地质大队贵州遵义563000 
王星星 中国地质大学武汉环境学院湖北武汉430074 
唐晓玲 贵州省地矿局106地质大队贵州遵义563000 
摘要点击次数: 128
全文下载次数: 417
      本研究主要对正安县某两处茶园的土壤和茶树样品检测,探究影响茶叶元素含量的原因。利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序技术,解析茶园土壤细菌群落结构,结合土壤理化性质探究影响茶园土壤细菌群落的主要环境因子。研究结果如下:1SO42-是影响茶园土壤细菌群落的主要因素。茶园土壤细菌群落结构与SO42-含量的冗余分析表明,SO42-对茶园土壤细菌群落组成具有显著影响(p<005)。2茶叶内重金属含量受细菌类群影响。茶树嫩叶更易受土壤细菌影响,假单胞菌属、热酸菌属、Subgroup_2、楸子岛杆菌属(Chujaibacter)和芽孢杆菌属等对嫩叶重金属含量影响显著。为茶叶品质检测提供新的评判依据,为通过SO42-调整茶园土壤细菌群落结构,降低茶叶内重金属元素含量提供新的研究思路。
      In this study,soil and tea tree samples from two tea gardens in Zheng’an County were examined to investigate the reasons affecting the elemental content of teaThe 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing technology was utilized to analyze the structure of soil bacterial community in the tea plantations,and combined with the physical and chemical properties of the soil to investigate the main environmental factors affecting the soil bacterial community in the tea plantationsThe results were as follows:1SO42- was the main factor affecting the soil bacterial community in the tea plantationRedundancy analysis of soil bacterial community structure and SO42- content in tea plantations showed that SO42-- had a significant effect on the composition of soil bacterial communities in tea plantations(p<005)2Heavy metal content within tea leaves was influenced by bacterial taxaYoung tea leaves were more susceptible to soil bacteria,Pseudomonas spp,Thermoacidophilus spp,Subgroup_2,Rowan Island Bacillus spp(Chujaibacter)and Bacillus spphad a significant effect on the heavy metal content of young leavesIt provides a new judgment basis for tea quality testing and a new research idea to reduce the content of heavy metal elements in tea leaves by adjusting the structure of soil bacterial community in tea plantations through SO42-
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