Stability Evaluation of Large Cave Roof Based on Laser Scanning and Numerical Simulation
中文关键词:  三维激光扫描  有限元建模  稳定性分析  溶洞
英文关键词:Three-dimensional laser scanning  Finite element modeling  Stability analysis  Karst cave
基金项目:贵州省教育厅青年科技人才成长项目(黔教合KY 字[2016]177)。
马宁 贵州有色地质工程勘察公司贵州贵阳550000 
张新 贵州有色地质工程勘察公司贵州贵阳550000 
摘要点击次数: 415
全文下载次数: 547
      With the rapid development of urban construction and real estate development in karst area,the stability of karst foundation has become one of the key problems in housing constructionAiming at the shortcomings of the currently karst cave roof stability analysis,this study based on a housing construction project,the three-dimensional geological scanning laser drilling exploration and analysis on the basis of 1:1 cave was built based on the finite element software simulation entity model,and according to the actual situation of additional buildings and garages load,to the safety of the roof stability analysis,and according to the maximum compressive principal stress data judgment cave roof stability whether meet the requirements of housing load,and accordingly puts forward reasonable constructionThe results show that 3d laser geological scanning can provide a good basis for the later numerical simulation,and the results are verified by semi-quantitative calculation,which is consistent with the numerical simulationThis method makes the analysis results closer to the actual situation,The working method and research results can provide reference for similar geological structure projects
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