Analysis of Potential Failure Types of Slope by Mahalanobis Distance Discrimination Method——A Case Study of a Limestone Mine
中文关键词:  马氏距离判别法  潜在破坏类型  露天边坡  结构面
英文关键词:Markov distance discriminant method  Potential damage type  Open slope  Structural plane
吴占廷 西北综合勘察设计研究院贵阳分院贵州贵阳550001 
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      距离判别法在社会科学领域得到了广泛的应用,近年来在岩土工程领域进行了一些尝试。岩小明、周成豪等应用马氏距离判别法基于岩体抗压强度、边坡结构面倾角、结构面和边坡位置关系、岩体结构类型、岩体或结构面抗剪强度、边坡高度和边坡角对23露天矿边坡破坏类型研究,发现有其良好的相关性,得到三种破坏类型的判别函数。本次利用周成豪(2020)建立的判别函数对丽江古城某石灰石矿山边坡破坏类型进行检验,并采用Monte Carlo进行二维结构面网络模拟及迪杰斯特拉(Dijkstra)算法搜索边坡破坏类型进行对比。发现两者判断结果对边坡整体破坏类型具有较好的一致性,但J3节理结构面判别可能发生平面滑动破坏与沿层面、J1、J2节理发生折线滑动破坏不一致,表明边坡破坏的复杂性及马氏距离判别法的适用性还需要加强。
      The distance discrimination method has been widely used in the field of social science,and some attempts have been made in the field of geotechnical engineering in recent yearsYan Xiaoming,Zhou Chenghao and others applied the Mahalanobis distance discriminant method to study the 23 open-pit slope failure types based on the rock mass compressive strength,slope structural plane inclination,structural plane and slope position relationship,rock mass structural type,rock mass or structural plane shear strength,slope height and slope angle,and found that there was good correlation,and the discriminant function of the three failure types was obtainedThis time,the discriminant function established by Zhou Chenghao(2020) is used to test the slope failure type of a limestone mine in Lijiang Ancient Town,and the two-dimensional structural plane network simulation and Dijkstra algorithm are used to search the slope failure type for comparisonIt is found that the judgment results of the two have good consistency with the overall failure type of the slope,but the judgment of J3 joint structural plane may have plane sliding failure is inconsistent with the broken line sliding failure along the bedding plane,J1 and J2 joints,indicating that the complexity of slope failure and the applicability of the Mahalanobis distance judgment method still need to be strengthened
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