Evaluation Research of Geological Hazard Division Based on GIS in Beiliu City
中文关键词:  MapGIS  地质灾害  危险性  广西北流市
英文关键词:MapGIS  Geological hazards  Liability  Beiliu city,Guangxi province
吴秋菊 广西壮族自治区地质环境监测站广西南宁530029 
江思义 广西壮族自治区地质环境监测站广西南宁530029 
李春玲 广西壮族自治区地质环境监测站广西南宁530029 
李海良 广西壮族自治区地质环境监测站广西南宁530029 
黄捷笠 广西壮族自治区地质环境监测站广西南宁530029 
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      以广西壮族自治区北流市为例,将研究区按照行政区、自然区或人为确定的方式划分为若干区块,考虑每一区块内历史成灾的损失、地质灾害的易发程度和潜在隐患点成灾可能造成的人员伤亡、财产损失等因素,综合分析评价其危险性,划分地质灾害危险区,显示地质灾害危险程度的分布和组合关系,为区域减灾决策和制定地质灾害防治规划提供参考依据。按地质灾害危险系数法进行定量计算,根据定量计算结果,综合考虑各影响因素,再经过人工修正勾画,将研究区划分为地质灾害高危险性区(Ⅰ)、中危险性区(Ⅱ)和低危险性区(Ⅲ)3个大区和8个亚区,进行了广西北流市地质灾害危险性分区,并通过GIS软件实现可视化。广西北流市地质灾害危险性分区结果显示,高危险区总面积为1 13559 km2,约占全区总面积的46%;中危险区总面积为70986 km2,约占全区总面积的29%;低危险区总面积为61138 km2,约占全区总面积的25%。
      Beiliu city of Guangxi,for example,will be in accordance with the administrative region in the study area,natural or man-made divided into several blocks,determine the way of thinking within each block of geological disaster in history by loss,degree and potential hazard prone points may cause casualties and property losses of factors,such as comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the danger,danger zone division of geological disasters,geological disasters danger degree of distribution and combination relationship,for regional disaster reduction decision and provide reference basis for geological disaster prevention planAccording to the geological disaster risk coefficient method to carry on the quantitative calculation,according to the results of the quantitative calculation considering all the factors,through artificial modification sketch again,the study area is divided into geological disaster risk in high risk area(Ⅰ),area(Ⅱ) and low risk area(Ⅲ) three regions and 8 subregions and geological disaster risk zoning of Beiliu city of GuangxiBy the visualization of GIS software,the geologic disaster danger division of Beiliu city,have high danger zone with a total area of 113559 square kilometers,about 46% of the total area of the district;In the danger zone with a total area of 70986 square kilometers,about 29% of the total area of the district;Low danger zone with a total area of 61138 square kilometers,about 25% of the total area of the district
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