董健彪,谢淑云,田欢,杨文兵,李华,周徐维,Diego Armando Pinzon Nunez.基于PMF模型的湖北随县三里岗地区土壤重金属源解析[J].贵州地质,2022,39(4):404-413
Source Analysis of Soil Heavy Metals in Sanligang area of Sui County in Hubei Based on PMF Model
中文关键词:  湖北随县  土壤重金属  半变异函数  正定矩阵因子分解法  源解析
英文关键词:Sui county in Hubei province  Soil heavy metal  Semi-variogram function  Positive matrix factorization(PMF)  Source appointment
董健彪 中国地质大学武汉地球科学学院湖北武汉430074 
谢淑云 中国地质大学武汉地球科学学院湖北武汉430074 
田欢 中国地质大学武汉材料与化学学院湖北武汉430074 
杨文兵 湖北省地质局第八地质大队湖北襄阳441002 
李华 青海省地质调查局青海西宁810000 
周徐维 中国地质大学武汉地球科学学院湖北武汉430074 
Diego Armando Pinzon Nunez 中国地质大学武汉地球科学学院湖北武汉430074 
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全文下载次数: 767
      With the development of industry,mining and agriculture,heavy metal pollution has been found in many countries and regions of the worldIt is necessary to master the sources of soil heavy metals for maintaining ecological securityIn this paper,eight heavy metals in Sanligang town were analyzed by content analysis and semi-variogram analysis,and the sources of these eight heavy metals in soil were explored by positive matrix factor(PMF)decomposition combined with spatial distribution characteristics of source contribution rateThe results showed that the soil contents of As,Cd,Cr,Cu,Ni and Zn exceeded the national background value,and the average value of Nemerow comprehensive pollution index is 073,indicating that the study area is still at a clean levelSemi-variogram analysis showed that these eight heavy metals were more affected by structural factorsThe four sources obtained by PMF source analysis are interpreted as the influence of the rocks in Sinian and Cretaceous,the mixed source of Proterozoic strata and rural road traffic emissions,the influence of the rocks in the Sinian and the Cambrian and the influence of the rocks in the Ordovician to the Silurian,indicating that the natural origins are the most important contributors of heavy metals in this regionFurthermore,the study shows that the PMF model can play a very important role in the source apportionment of heavy metals
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