The Effect for Orebody Thickness Calculationof Measuring Occurrence on the Map
中文关键词:  真厚度  产状  伪倾角  视倾角  真倾角
英文关键词:True thickness  Occurrence  False dip angle  Apparent dip angle  True dip angle
王勇 四川省地质矿产勘查开发局108地质队四川成都611230 
刘正锋 青海省有色第三地质勘查院青海西宁810012 
摘要点击次数: 274
全文下载次数: 533
      Thickness is an important parameter for ore body delineation and mineral resources estimation,the precision accuracy of its calculation is mainly based on the correctness of ore body occurrenceAt present,a large number of hidden nonferrous metals,rare,rare and scattered,precious metal ore body shape is irregular,most of delimit the ore body boundary based on the test data,direct measurement of its occurrence is difficultIn the actual production work,often use from the basic map measurement data to determine the ore body occurrence,this method is simple and easy to work withIn this paper,by comparing the ore body thickness data calculated using the false dip angle and apparent dip angle and true dip angle at the different intersection angle of Sample direction and Section direction and ore body dip,it is considered that the ore body thickness was calculated using the measurement data from the map can meet the precision accuracy requirements of mineral resources estimation,it can effectively reduce the error of mineral resources estimation between the Geological block method and cross section method.
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