Geochemical Characteristics and Preliminary Genesis Analysis of the Haoxing Lead-zinc Deposit in Weining, Guizhou
中文关键词:  硫同位素  铅同位素  成矿物质  昊星铅锌矿  黔西北铅锌矿成矿区
英文关键词:S isotope  Pb isotope  Ore-forming material  , Haoxing Lead-zinc deposit  Lead-zinc metallogenic region of northwest Guizhou
安正泽 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队贵州铜仁554300 
王佳武 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队贵州铜仁554300 
洪万华 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队贵州铜仁554300 
张仁彪 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队贵州铜仁554300 
郑超 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队贵州铜仁554300 
刘健 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队贵州铜仁554300 
谢小峰 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队贵州铜仁554300 
左勇 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局103地质大队贵州铜仁554300 
尹森林 贵州省地质矿产勘查开发局117地质大队贵州贵阳550000 
肖俊岩 保利国防科技研究中心有限公司北京100088 
闫斌 中国地质科学院地质研究所北京100037 
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全文下载次数: 434
      The Haoxing lead-zinc deposit, located in Yunluheba, Weining County, NW Guizhou Province, is adjacent to the second largest lead-zinc deposit (Maoping) in the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou lead-zinc metallogenic Province. This deposit is hosted in Devonian carbonate rocks, and its orebodies occur as stratiform, lenticular and veined. The occurrence of those ore bodies is basically consistent with that of the ore-bearing strata, and is obviously controlled by the NE structures. The Pb grade of sulfide ore is 1.5%42.80%, with an average of 2.89%, and the ore grade of Zn is 1.5%35.92%, with an average of 9.86%. The ore-forming characteristics of the Haoxing lead-zinc deposit are similar to those of other typical deposits, such as Huize, Maoping and Tianqiaoin the Sichuan-Yunnan-Guizhou province. The δ34SCDT values of sulfides (pyrite, sphalerite and galena) in the Haoxing deposit range from -57.21 to 3.93‰, which are obviously different from those of the Huize, Maoping and Tianqiao deposits (5‰25‰), suggesting that the reduction S of the Haoxing lead-zinc deposit may have different origin or formation mechanism. It is considered that Sulfur of the deposit is probably the product of biological reduction of marine sulfate (BSR), while the abnormal depletion of pyrite δ34SCDT is probably the result of BSR batch separation of the unenclosed system. Hence, the reduction Sulfur batches formed by the BSR process participate in mineralization with the migration of fluids to different places. The Pb isotopic compositions of galena show that the ore-forming metals of the Haoxing lead-zinc deposit are mainly supplied by basement rocks. Therefore, it is considered that the Haoxing lead-zinc deposit is the product of fluid mixing. The ore-forming fluids derived from or flowing through the basement rocks mixed with the fluids of reduced sulfur by BSR in different places, with the association of TSR and water/rock interaction, the evaporites and metal elements in the ore-hosting sedimentary rocks participated in the mineralization and finally formed the Haoxing lead-zinc deposit.
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