Ore Characteristics of ‘Qingzhen style’ Iron Mine and Discussion of Processing Technology——Taking the Honghuazhai, Bailangba Iron Deposit in Maochang Bauxite Mine as an Example
中文关键词:  黔中铝土矿  铁矿  加工技术性能  红花寨、白浪坝  清镇
英文关键词:Bauxite deposit in central Guizhou  Iron mine  Process technology  Honghuazhai  Bailangba  Qingzhen
杨明坤 贵州省地矿局115地质大队贵州清镇551400
张周位 贵州省地质矿产中心实验室贵州贵阳550018 
杨国彬 贵州省地质矿产中心实验室贵州贵阳550018 
李宏志 贵州省国土资源勘测规划研究院贵州贵阳550004 
杨毕 贵州省国土资源勘测规划研究院贵州贵阳550004 
苏亮广 贵州省国土资源勘测规划研究院贵州贵阳550004 
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      In Qingzhen, Xiuwen of central Guizhou, the iron mine in the bottom of Carboniferous bauxite deposit is common called ‘Qingzhen style’ iron mine, associated in Jiujialu formation of the Lower Carboniferous with bauxite deposit of central Guizhou. In this paper, by actual exploration and electronmagnetic experiment of iron ore gathered in drill accessory sample in exploration period, the same type iron mine associated with bauxite in Honghuazhai section and Bailangba section of Maochang bauxite deposit in Qingzhen city is taken as an example, it points out that the natural type of this iron ore is hematite and limonite, the industrial type is smelted needed ore, the mineral ore is mainly hematite, some hydrate to be column limonite. The gangue mineral mainly are dolomite and calcite. The major useful element in the ore is iron, the slag component are silicon, bauxite, calcium, magnesium and so on. According to the experiment, it shows that the pure iron TFe content could be 55.58% by once corse, once well and once clean high intensity magnetic separation experiment, the recovery rate could be 80.11%. each element in the pure ore reach the quality requirement of H55-1 pure hematite ore. Under the present market condition, this mine will be profitable by invented process technique. It will has some guding significance for comprehensible exploration and development of bauxite deposit in the central Guizhou.
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