Discovery and Its Significance of Storm Deposit of Middle-Lower Devonian in Ziyun Area,Guizhou
中文关键词:  贵州紫云地区  早-中泥盆世  风暴岩  风暴序列
英文关键词:Ziyuan area Guizhou  Early-middle Devonian  Storm rock  Storm sequence
张晗彬 贵州省地质调查院贵州省地质物探开发应用工程技术研究中心贵州省地质调查院院士工作站贵州贵阳550081 
邓旭升 贵州省地质调查院贵州省地质物探开发应用工程技术研究中心贵州省地质调查院院士工作站贵州贵阳550081 
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      In Ziyun area of Anshun,Huogong formation of middle-lower Devonian mainly is shelf clastic deposit,multiple storm deposit are found in middle and lower position of the 3rd section of Huogong formation.The feature of storm deposit include: gutter structure (or pocket structure),wavy erosion surface structure,hummocky cross stratification,graded bedding,parallel bedding and so on.According to different sedimentary units association,it’s divided into 4 storm deposit sequence,Huogong formation is limited to be continental deposit,it’s proved in early-middle Devonian,Ziyun area still in the early stage of fracture basin evolution.The discovery of storm deposit in Ziyun area not only proved that the target area in early-middle Devonian located in low latitudes area near the equator but also has important guide significance for paleoenvironment,paleoclimate and mineral study.
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