Superimposed Deformation and its Controlling Effect on Pb-Zn Deposits of Guanziyao Region in West Guizhou
中文关键词:  滑脱作用  叠加变形  铅锌矿床  构造控矿  罐子窑地区
英文关键词:Detachment  Superimposed deformation  Pb-Zn deposits  Tectonic ore control  Guanziyao area
张德明 中国地质大学地球科学学院 武汉 430074
贵州省地质调查院,贵州 贵阳 550005 
何良伦 贵州省地矿局113地质大队,贵州 六盘水 553000 
曾广乾 中国地质大学地球科学学院 武汉 430074 
杨坤光 中国地质大学地球科学学院 武汉 430074
中国地质大学 构造与油气资源教育部重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074 
戴传固 贵州省地质调查院,贵州 贵阳 550005 
张慧 贵州省地质调查院,贵州 贵阳 550005 
摘要点击次数: 4220
全文下载次数: 1798
      Guanziyao Region is located in the southwest edge of Yangtze Plate, west Guizhou Province. This region experienced several periods of complex superimposed deformation after the stage of intraplate deformation. The first period is characterized by compressive effect trending W-E, from the Late Jurassic to the Early Cretaceous during the Early Yanshanian, resulting in nearly S-N trending systemic structure of folds and faults, among which east-dipped axial planes and westwards thrusting faults are predominated. Main detachment surface characterized by marlstone and calcian argillite in middle-upper Devonian Huohong Formation and Liujiang Formation is complexly distorted by relatively smooth open fold above and tight fold beneath. The second period is characterized by compressive effect trending N-S in the Middle Cretaceous during the Late Yanshanian. This deformation, superimposing on the earlier one, is presented by hinge plunging in the earlier nearly S-N trending folds and extensional shearing activities in faults. Due to several episodes of Southwards detachments, N-dipped axial planes of nearly E-W trending folds with partial inversion and Southwards thrusting faults were developed in the South. These faults were reactive in Early Himalayn period. Structures in the outcrops indicate the E-W structure cuts the S-N structure. Ore bodies of Pb-Zn mine in the study area have two kinds of output. One is flat bedding output forming in early and late Yanshanian, obviously controlled by bedding detachments and low-angle faults, whereas the other is steep outcrop forming in structural transition periods or in Early Himalayn period, controlled by steep extensional and shearing faults.
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