杨荣康,杨丽君,王乾,杨元丽.贵州石阡地热田地热资源量计算[J].贵州地质,2014,31(2):154-157,146 |
贵州石阡地热田地热资源量计算 |
Geothermal Resources Amount Calculation of Shiqian Geothermal field in Guizhou |
投稿时间:2014-03-17 |
DOI: |
中文关键词: 石阡地热田 褶皱断裂型热储 地热资源量 |
英文关键词:Shiqian geothermal field Folds and faults thermal storage Geothermal resources |
基金项目:中国地质调查局地质调查项目贵州省地热资源调查评价与区划(水[2013]01-029-006)。 |
摘要点击次数: 4589 |
全文下载次数: 1593 |
中文摘要: |
贵州省石阡地热田属于典型的山区褶皱断裂复合型热储,本文针对以往该类型热储资源量计算存在的问题,在热矿水采样测试结果和综合研究基础上,建立石阡地热田热储模型;结合地热井钻探和测井资料,考虑褶皱断裂型热储参数存在各向异性的差别,将地热资源量计算区划为以层状热储为主的层状热储区和以断裂带为主的带状热储区,确定计算参数,采用热储法计算地热资源量;计算得出石阡地热田地热资源为2.18×1016 kJ/a,折合成标准煤7.46×108 t/a,可利用的地热资源量为3.28×1015 kJ /a,折合标准煤1.12×108 t/a;将计算结果与该地区以往研究成果进行对比分析,结果显示,褶皱断裂型热储地热资源量的计算过程中,深部断裂带带状热储是不可忽略的,本次研究所采用的计算方法得出的结果更能真实的反映该地热田实际的地热资源量。 |
英文摘要: |
Shiqian geothermal field is a typical folds and faults type heat reservoir in Guizhou. In this paper, for the problems of this type geothermal resources amount calculation in the past, based on geothermal fluid samples test results and a comprehensive study, establish the reservoir modeling of Shiqian, combined with geothermal resources exploration data, the geothermal resources calculation division into stratified reservoir area and zoned reservoir area, determine the calculation parameters, use geothermal reservoir method to calculate and the results show that Shiqian geothermal field heat storage is 2.181016 kJ/a, the equivalent of 7.46108t/a standard coal, and the available heat storage is 3.281015 kJ/a, the equivalent of 1.12108 t/a standard coal. then comparative analysis of this results and the previous results prove that the zoned reservoir cannot be ignored for this type of geothermal field in the geothermal resources amount calculation ,and the results of this method can reflect geothermal resources amount more accurately. |
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