Discussion of Development Characters and Hydro-geological Significance of Paleo Karst in Maokou formation, Permian in Guizhou
中文关键词:  古岩溶带  茅口组  水文地质  贵州
英文关键词:Paleo karst zone  Maokou formation  Hysro-geology  Guizhou
基金项目:贵州省2012年重大专项“小城镇喀斯特水资源安全保障技术研究与示范” 黔科合重大专项(2012]5015号);贵州省地勘基金项目“贵州省岩溶地下水赋存规律与找水关键技术”黔国土资发[2009]94号。
李源航 贵州大学喀斯特环境与地质灾害防治教育部重点实验室,贵州 贵阳 550003 
摘要点击次数: 1530
全文下载次数: 812
      According to Maokor formationof paleo geomorphology and overlying layer distribution characteristics, this research collects data of field investigation, the actual exploration data compilation, the characteristics of palerkarst development and water content on the research section were compared. The results show that, in the basult and siliceous rocks covered area in the west, karst is developed intensely, and the water-abundance is better. And Longtan formation clastic rock and Wujiaping limestone coverage in the east, karst development is weak and poor water. The characters of paleo landform and the influence of different upper layer lithology to the spatial distribution and water yield property, the hydro-geological significance of paleo karst zpne of Maokou formation in the target area.
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